
Opportunities to Serve: 

Sound Board Operator, Worship Slides/Presentation, Nursery Children's Ministry, Welcoming Team & Greeters

Contact Pastor Gail if you are interested.


    Our goal in Children’s Ministry is to bring up our kids to be the next generation of Christ followers. We want to help children understand and experience Jesus and to become more like Him.

  • Whether it's a Men's and Women's Bible Study, the Prayer Team or the Worship Team,  there are many ways to come together and help each other grow in Christ. 

  • A full life is a life of growth. No matter how old you are, growth is essential. Use these resources to discover and grow in God's plan for your life. God wants to love you and grow you into the person He knows you can be!

  • A recent study showed that over 74%percent of the people surveyed are not satisfied with their finances.  Finances are often a major issue of concern in marriages and the number one cause of divorce – 54% of marriages divorce over money. Take steps to get out of debt and experience financial freedom.